We are closed 20th December until 30th December
We are closed 20th December until 30th December
Bioresonance uses harmless natural vibrational frequencies to support the body to heal itself. The Bioresonance device can carry out an energetic analysis (a harmless scan) of the underlying root causes of disturbances (symptoms) in the body. It can also analyse every organ and organ system in your body to provide information about your health and wellbeing. After the analysis, Bioresonance can then harmonise (treat) these disturbances, in a safe and non-invasive way by readjusting the disturbed frequencies. It harmonises them by working with the body's natural systems to heal itself. It's one of the most exciting innovative complementary health therapies around yet it is relatively unknown in this country. Some clients wish to understand more about the science/how it works, if so, please click the button on the right or call us for a free consultation (no obligation) and we can explain more.
There are many bioresonance companies each using different approaches, devices (machines) and technologies. Cheshire Bioresonance didn’t hesitate in choosing to train exclusively with and use the device and technology of the world-renowned German based company Rayonex Biomedical GmbH as it is unlike any other bioresonance company. The above photo shows the Rayonex team at the Headquarters in Lennestadt, Germany. The company is also referred to as Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt. Please click the button on the right to find out why Rayonex is so trustworthy.
all root causes and all organs and organ systems
such as depression, +
anxiety, hormonal issues and many more programmes
skin and hair detox, collagen and elastin
such as vitamins and minerals, or pathogens (parasites, bacteria and viruses) detox
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